Over 100 Homeless Find Homes

As of July 20, 2017, Orange County's Courtyard Transitional Center has graduated 112 individuals into housing since it opened in October 2016. 
The Courtyard, Orange County's first homeless shelter, is on track for meeting its goal of graduating 10 individuals per month from the shelter into housing programs. The recent report also shows that 60 individuals living at the Courtyard are currently employed full-time. 

Over 1,000 Meals, Services, Donations Served at Homeless Connect

On Friday, Supervisor Andrew Do and community partners put on the County's first ever Homeless Connect event at the Courtyard Transitional Homeless Shelter. Over 1,000 meals, services, and blankets and hygiene kits were provided to homeless individuals. 

"We are bringing the services directly to our homeless population," said Supervisor Andrew Do. "The services and donations provided today are integral to improving the quality of life of these individuals." 

County Approves Permanent Financing for Veterans Housing Project

On Tuesday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors secured permanent loan financing for Potter's Lane, the County's new housing project for homeless veterans built out of recycled shipping containers in Midway City. 

Now that construction has completed and the entire building is leased, the County has secured permanent financing to repay the short-term construction loan. 

"This funding is the final step in the Potter's Lane development, ensuring this project will serve our veterans here in Orange County for years and years to come," said Supervisor Andrew Do. 

County Implements "No Wrong Door" Policy with Community Service Center

On Friday, over 250 residents attended the County Community Service Center (CCSC) Open House to be get help with County services. 

Supervisor Do and the County of Orange are committed to a "No Wrong Door" policy. The CCSC will be a ready source of help on a variety of issues for residents. 

"When in need, people should no have to guess where they can go to obtain needed services," said Supervisor Andrew Do. "The County Community Service Center helps bring our services closer to our residents." 

Orange County Allocates $33 Million to Whole Person Care Program

On Tuesday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved an additional $9.6 million dollars in funding for the Whole Person Care (WPC) pilot program. WPC is aimed at delivering quality medical treatment and services to those experiencing homelessness. Upon approval by the California Department of Heath Care Services the total amount being allocated for WPC over the next 5 years will exceed $33 million dollars.